Research Publications
The Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay (SCSA®) and other sperm DNA fragmentation tests for evaluation of sperm nuclear DNA integrity as related to fertility Evenson DP (2016) Animal Reprod Science 169:56-75
Date: 2016
Role of intra-individual variation in the detection of threshholds for DFI and for misclassification rates: A retrospective analysis of 14,775 SCSA® tests Date: 2024
High Levels of DNA Fragmentation in Spermatozoa Are Associated with Inbreeding and Poor Sperm Quality in Endangered Ungulates. Ruiz-Lopez MJ, Evenson DP, Espeso G, Gomendio M, Roldan ERS (2010) Biol Reprod 83:332-38 Date: 2010
Low Birth Weight is Associated with Sperm DNA Fragmentation and Assisted Reproductive Technology Outcomes in Primary Infertile Men: Results of a Cross-Sectional Study Date: 2023
Sperm DNA damage is related to field fertility of semen from young Norwegian Red bulls. Waterhouse KE, Haugan T, Kommisrut E, Tverda A, Flatberg G, Farsta JB, Evenson DP, DeAngelis PM (2006) Fertil and Develop 18:781-88. Date: 2006
Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay (SCSA) For Fertility Assessment Date: 2022
Should we be measuring DNA damage in human spermatozoa? New light on an old question R. John Aitken, and Hassan W. Bakos Date: 2021
Normospermic Versus Teratospermic Domestic Cat Sperm Chromatin Integrity. Penfold LM, Jost L, Evenson DP, Wildt DE (2003) Biol Reprod 69:1730-35
Date: 2003
Changes in susceptibility of bovine sperm to in situ DNA denaturation during prolonged incubation at ambient temperature under conditions of exposure to reactive oxygen species and nuclease inhibitor. Krzyzosiak J, Evenson D, Pitt C, Jost L, Molan Date: 2000
DNA Damage: Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay Test on its Fortieth Anniversary. Chapter 20. Evenson D (2021) In: Agarwal A, Henkel R, Majzoub A (eds). Manual of Sperm Function Testing in Human Assisted Reproduction. Cambrid Date: 2021
Sperm DNA fragmentation testing: Summary evidence and clinical practice recommendations. Esteves SC, Zini A, Coward RM, Evenson DP, Gosálvez J, Lewis SE, Sharma R, Humaidan P (2021). Andrologia 53 (2): e13874 Date: 2021
Relationship between sperm nuclear protamine free-SH status and susceptibility to DNA denaturation. Evenson DP, Jost LK, Varner DD (2000) J Reprod Fertility Suppl 56:401-06. Date: 2000
An Update on Male Infertility: Factors, Mechanisms and Interventions. (Forward) Evenson D (2021) Andrologia 53(1):e13753 Date: 2021
Relationships between Sperm Chromatn Structure, Motility and Morphology of Ejaculated Sperm, and Seasonal Pregnancy Rate. Kenny RM, Evenson DP, Garcia MC, Love C (1995)Biol Reprod Mono 1:647-53 Date: 1995
Relationship between Stallion Sperm Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Susceptibility to Denaturation in Situ and Presence of DNA Strand Breaks: Implications for Fertility and Embryo Viability. Evenson DP, Sailer BL, Jost LK (1995) Biol Reprod Mono 1:655-
Date: 1995
Age-related changes in human conventional semen parameters and sperm chromatin structure assay-defined sperm DNA/ chromatin integrity. Gao J, Yuan R, Yang S, Wang Y, Huang Y, Yan L, Jiang H, Qiao J. (2021) RMBO. (in press) Date: 2021
Relationships between the age of 25,445 men attending infertility clinics and sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA®) defined DNA and chromatin integrity. Evenson DP, Djira G, Kasperson K, Christianson J. (2020) Fertil. Steril.114:311-320. Date: 2020
Flow Cytometric Evaluation of Boar Semen by the Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay as Related to Cryopreservation and Fertility. Evenson DP, Thompson L, Jost L (1994) Theriogenology 41:637-51. Date: 1994
DNA fragmentation of sperm: a radical examination of the contribution of oxidative stress and age in 16 945 semen samples. Vaughan DA, Tirado E, Garcia D, Datta V, Sakkas D. (2020) Human Reprod 35: 2188–96 Date: 2020
Male age is associated with Sperm DNA/chromatin integrity. The Aging Male. Mettler AD, Govindarajan M, Srinivas S, Mithraprabhu S, Evenson D, Mahendran T (2020)23:822-29 Date: 2020
Chromatin Structural Changes in Sperm After Scrotal Insulation of Holstein Bulls. Karabinus DS, Vogler CJ, Saacke RG, Evenson DP. (1997) J Andrology 18:549-55. Date: 1993
Sperm chromatin structure assay high DNA stainability sperm as a marker of early miscarriage after intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Jerre E, Bungum M, Evenson D, Giwercman A (2019) Fertil Steril. 112:46-53.
Date: 2019
Relationship between stallion sperm deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) susceptibility to denaturation in situ and presence of DNA strand breaks: implications for fertility and embryo viability. Evenson DP, Sailer BL, Jost LK. (1995) Biol Reprod Mono 1: 65 Date: 1995
The Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay. Relationship with Alternate Tests of Semen Quality and Heterospermic Performance of Bulls. Ballachey BE, Evenson DP, Saacke R J (1988) Andrology 9:109-15 Date: 1988
Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay (SCSA®):Evolution from origin to clinical utility. Evenson DP (2018) In: Zini A, Agarwal A (eds). A Clinician's Guide to Sperm DNA and Chromatin Damage, Springer International Publishing, pp. 65-89. Date: 2018
Heterogeneity of Sperm Nuclear Chromatin Structure and Its Relationship to Bull Fertility. Ballachey BE, Hohenboken WD, Evenson DP (1987). Biol. Reprod. 36:915-25(1987 Date: 1987
Evaluation of sperm chromatin structure and DNA strand breaks is an important part of clinical male infertility assessment. Evenson DP (2017) Transl Androl Urol 6:S495-500. Date: 2017
Sperm chromatin structure assay in prediction of in vitro fertilization outcome.Oleszczuk K, Giwercman A, Bungum M (2016) Andrology 4:290-96. Date: 2016
Relation of mammalian sperm chromatin heterogeneity to fertility. Evenson DP, Darzynkiewicz Z, Melamed MR (1980) Science 240:1131-33.
Date: 1980
The Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay (SCSA®) and other sperm DNA fragmentation tests for evaluation of sperm nuclear DNA integrity as related to fertility. Evenson DP (2016) Animal Reproduction Science 169:56-75 Date: 2016
Luminal fluid of epididymis and vas deferens contributes to sperm chromatin fragmentation. Gawecka. JE, Boaz S, Kasperson K., Nguyen H., Evenson DP, Ward WS (2015) Hum. Reprod. 30:2725-36. Date: 2015
Effect of antioxidants on sperm genetic damage. Menezo Y, Evenson D, Cohen M, Dale (2014) Adv Exp Med Biol 791:173-89. Date: 2014
The impact of sperm DNA damage in assisted conception and beyond: recent advances in diagnosis and treatment. Lewis S, Aitken J, Sarah J, Conner SH, De Julius G, Evenson DP, Henkel, R, Giwercman A, Gharagozloo P (2013) Reproductive BioMedicine O Date: 2013
Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay (SCSA) Evenson D (2012) In: Spermiogenesis and Spermatogenesis: Methods and Protocols. Date: 2012
Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay (SCSA): 30 years’ experience with the SCSA. Evenson D (2011) In: Sperm DNA and Male Infertility and ART, eds. Agarwal A, Zini A. Book chapter, Springer Publishers Date: 2011
Significant decrease in sperm deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation after varicocelectomy. Werthman P, Wixon R, Kasperson K, Evenson DP (2008) Fertil Steril 90:1800-4.
Date: 2008
Episodic Air Pollution is Associated with Increased DNA Fragmentation in Human Sperm without other Changes in Semen Quality. Rubes J, Selevan SG, Evenson DP, Zudova D, Vozdova M, Zudova Z, Robbins WA, Perreault S D (2005) Hum Reprod. (2005) 20:277 Date: 2005
Virro MR, Larson-Cook KL, Evenson DP (2004) Sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA®) related to blastocyst rate, pregnancy rate and spontaneous abortion in IVF and ICSI cycles. Fertil Steril 81:1289-95 Date: 2004
The sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSATM): clinical use for detecting sperm DNA fragmentation related to male infertility and comparisons with other techniques. Evenson DP, Larson K, Jost LK (2002) Andrology Lab Corner. J Androl. 23: 25-43. Date: 2004
The predictive value of sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA) parameters for the outcome of intrauterine insemination, IVF and ICSI. Bungum M, Humaidan P, Spano M, Jepson K, Bungum L, Giwercman A. (2004) Human Reprod 19:1401-08 Date: 2004
Characteristics of human sperm chromatin structure following an episode of influenza and high fever: a case study. Evenson DP, Jost LK, Corzett M, Balhorn R (2000) J. Androl. 21: 739-46. Date: 2000
Utility of the sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA) as a diagnostic and prognostic tool in the human fertility clinic. Evenson DP, Jost LK, Zinaman MJ, Clegg E, Purvis K, de Angelis P, Clausen OP (1999) Human Reprod 14:1039-49. Date: 1999