Home Collection Instructions

En Español

If you choose the home collection route for your SCSA test, you will need to follow the directions below very carefully to ensure accuracy.

You will receive in the shipment:

  1. Pre-cooled dry shipper in a mushroom shipper.  As the name "dry shipper" implies, the coolant is contained within an absorbent so that no liquid can spill out of the tank, which is an airline regulation.  The temperature inside the tank is very cold, and when semen samples are placed inside the metal tank, they will remain frozen until they arrive at our laboratory.  This tank has a 7-10 day holding time; IT MUST be returned within that time frame to assure that the sample does not thaw.
  2. Collection supplies provided in a gallon-size ziplock bag are shipped inside the mushroom shipper and can be opened by removing the cable tie on the mushroom shipper. The bag contains the following items:
    • Pre-Paid return Federal Express label
    • 1 non-sterile collection cup (for collecting the semen)
    • 1 metal cane with 3 cryovials attached (your name and DOB written on them)
    • 2 plastic bulb pipettes
    • 3 cable ties
Instructions for sample collection and storage:

Please use only the supplies provided by SCSA Diagnostics for the test. If any parts of the test supplies are missing or broken please notify us immediately and we will ship a new test kit out to you. If metal cane is broken on arrival please put vials on the cane (half) that they will all fit on.  If you can't get all the vials on one half just put the vials on both halves and drop into the tank.              

  1. You should have one ejaculation prior to submitting a semen sample for SCSA analysis to ensure that sample contains fresh sperm. For example, ejaculate - abstain 2 days (48 hours)- ejaculate the final time for SCSA analysis. If you haven't had an ejaculation for 2 weeks or more, follow this protocol.  Please ejaculate 2 times in one day (morning and night) - then abstain for 2 days (48 hours) - ejaculate for the final time for SCSA analysis.  When ready to ejaculate for the final sample, remove the lid and masturbate into the jar. If a lubricant is preferred, please use a non-spermicidal lubricant from your local store.
  2. Leave at room temperature for 1 hour for the semen to liquefy (to become more fluid-like or less viscous).  Keep jar at room temperature in a darkened area (drawer or cupboard).
  3. Remove the small plastic vials from the metal cane and then remove the tops from the small plastic vials.
  4. Place the bulb end of a plastic pipette between your thumb and finger, squeeze out some air and then place the tip of the pipette into the semen in the plastic jar. By reducing the pressure of your fingers on the bulb, the semen will be drawn up into the pipette.
  5. Place the tip of the pipette into one of the small plastic vials; gently squeeze the bulb of the pipette, and the semen will flow into the vial.
  6. Transfer semen APPROXIMATELY to the blue marker line drawn on the outside of the vial. It is not critical if a little more or less is transferred. Close the vial.
  7. If more semen is available, repeat the procedure for the two additional vials. Only a small amount is needed for this test, but we prefer to obtain additional semen if repeat analysis is necessary.
  8. Snap all filled vials back onto the metal cane with the vials upright.
  9. Cut the plastic cable tie on the center cap of the tank.
  10. Pull up to remove the center plug.
  11. Drop the metal cane holding the semen vials into basket/tank. PLEASE DON'T BREAK METAL CANE IN HALF.
  12. Replace the cap into the top of the pre-cooled tank and use a small plastic cable tie between the holes to secure it (the same place you cut the tie off when you opened the package).
  13. Please click here to enter your collection date and upload the physician requisition/order form if you didn't when placing your order online.
  14. Close the cover of the mushroom. Secure the lock with the large cable tie (also the same place you cut the tie when you opened the package).
  15. Secure the enclosed Federal Express Label to the handle of the mushroom and secure it with a cable tie.
  16. You may take the package to Federal Express Ship Center or call 1-800-GO-FEDEX and have them pick it up at your home.  Please don't take to a FedEx Print/Office Store, they can't and won't accept the package. Verify that the shipment is 2-DAY and what day they will pick it up. YOU MAY COLLECT THE SAMPLE ON A SATURDAY OR SUNDAY BUT DO NOT CALL FEDEX TO COME PICK IT UP ON EITHER OF THESE DAYS, ALTHOUGH YOU MAY TAKE IT TO A FED EX LOCATION TO BE SHIPPED ON A SATURDAY OR SUNDAY. 
  17. If a Federal Express agent asks what the package contains, it is simply a frozen biological sample being sent in a pre-cooled dry shipper. The point about the pre-cooled dry shipper is important, as there is no liquid in shipper. If you have any problems shipping the package, call our lab immediately (866-219-1338).
  18. SCSA® Diagnostics, Inc. will measure the sample and the results will be sent to your physician within a week of us receiving the sample.
  19. Tank has a limited shelf life so you must call FedEx for a return pick-up or drop off at a FedEx location within 7 days from the date you received it, to guarantee the sample remains frozen.

NOTE: We reserve the right to choose the most appropriate carrier. If shipping from outside the United States, special forms need to be filled out in order to properly and quickly clear US Customs. When done correctly, we have not experienced delays.

SHIP by Federal Express to:
SCSA® Diagnostics, Inc.
425 8th Street South
Brookings, SD 57006
Phone: 605-592-9071