About Us

SCSA® Diagnostics has the experience you need for planning your family.
SCSA Diagnostics is the pioneer in sperm DNA analysis, utilizing over 25 years of established research and ongoing clinical studies to perform one of the most sophisticated sperm DNA fragmentation tests available. The SCSA invention was featured on the cover issue of the prestigious journal, Science in December, 1980.
After 20 years of research this test was commercialized in 2001. This non-invasive and relatively inexpensive sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA®) test is now federally registered for use only by SCSA Diagnostics. SCSA Diagnostics has been certified by CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments), the federal accreditation agency for medical diagnostic laboratories, and by the rigorous New York State Department of Health.
Be aware that some copy-cat labs purport to offer an
SCSA-like test, but it is not the same precision SCSA® test.